Wir freuen uns sehr, Manuela im Team begrüßen zu dürfen. Ihr Online-Kalender ist bereits geöffnet!


We are very happy to welcome Manuela to the team. Her online calendar is already open!


Nous sommes très heureux d'accueillir Manuela dans l'équipe. Son agenda en ligne est déjà ouvert!

Osteopathie Praxis

Camelia Cabrera


Our diplomas are recognised by the Swiss public health services.

Osteopathy is refunded by most swiss health insurances (RME, ASCA, EGK). www.rme.chwww.asca.chwww.egk.ch. We recommand you to check directly with your complementary insurance.

Costs of Osteopathic Treatment

A session costs CHF 130.- to CHF 150.-
We accept cash, twint and the following cards: