Wir freuen uns sehr, Manuela im Team begrüßen zu dürfen. Ihr Online-Kalender ist bereits geöffnet!


We are very happy to welcome Manuela to the team. Her online calendar is already open!


Nous sommes très heureux d'accueillir Manuela dans l'équipe. Son agenda en ligne est déjà ouvert!

Osteopathie Praxis

Camelia Cabrera

Camélia Cabrera

I completed my training with the European School of Osteopathy (ESO, Maidstone,UK), graduating in 2007 with a Bachelor in Science with Honors degree in Osteopathic Medecine (www.eso.ac.uk). The ESO was one of the first schools for osteopathic treatment in Europe and has a renowned international reputation.

I had the opportunity to work as an osteopath in New Zealand, France and now in Switzerland.

During my career, I have collaborated with fellow osteopaths as well as doctors, physiotherapists and other health care professionals. This helped me develop an holistic approach and taught me to work hand in hand with other professions.

I am confident treating a wide range of patients ranging from the new born to elderly people.

I use a very gentle and specific approach, respecting each individual and listening carefully to their needs.

In 2012 , I passed the GDK-CDS (www.gdk-cds.ch) osteopathic exam. Through this exam my British diploma in Osteopathy was successfully validated by the Swiss public health services (''Hautes Ecoles de Santé Publique Suisse'').

I offer osteopathic treatment in French, English and high German, with French being my mother language.

I am recognised by every complementary insurances in Switzerland.

Francoise Herren

Originally from Switzerland, I completed my Master of Sciences in Osteopathy in 2019 at the “Osteopathie Schule Deutschland “ (OSD) in Berlin. Already during my studies I had the opportunity to treat patients at the University clinic of the OSD.

I was able to gain thorough understanding of the complaints of children, pregnant women and elderly people.

For several years I was member of the Swiss national fencing team and also know the perspective and complaints of competitive athletes. Additionally, I completed several internships in New Zealand and abroad in order to learn from scholars and experts in the field of osteopathy.

I enjoy the diversity and physical character of my work and like to respond to the individual complaints of my patients. A holistic approach is a crucial element of my therapies.

Treatments and Diagnostics can be conducted in French, Swiss German, High German and English.

Recognised by all Swiss complementary insurances.

Amit Tzalach

My name is Amit Tzalach. I was born in Israel and have been living in Bern with my family since 2015.

As each one of us is unique , I aim to find the best possible approach for you and your health, to treat your symptoms holistically.

With my expertise, my curiosity, my enthusiasm and my interest in people, I support you in finding an optimal path to health and a better quality of life.

My tools:


-Craniosacral therapy

Languages: German, English, Hebrew.

Recognized by all complementary insurances except VISANA.

Visit my website

Manuela Wiedmer

My name is Manuela, and I am happy to support you on your journey to better health and
well-being. After working as a physical education teacher, which deepened my interest in the
human body and movement, I discovered my professional passion in osteopathy.
In 2024, I successfully completed the five-year program at the University of Applied Sciences
of Health in Fribourg, earning a “Master of Science in Osteopathy”. This education allowed
me to deepen my knowledge in anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, and clinical medicine
while gaining practical experience in various practices.
In my treatments, I place great emphasis on understanding my patients' complaints
holistically and addressing their root causes. The diversity of osteopathic techniques enables
me to tailor therapy to the individual needs and wishes of my patients.
In my free time, I enjoy climbing and alpine sports – this passion for movement also shapes
my work as an osteopath.
I offer treatments in German, French, and English, and I am recognized by all supplementary
insurance providers.

Emanuel Rimle

I successfully completed five years of study and receive a Masters of Science in Osteopathy from the University of Applied Sciences in Fribourg. Throughout this time I have been able to gain various practical experiences, both in private practice and in the Cantonal Hospital of St. Gallen.

This has provided me with the tools to ensure a precise diagnosis and deliver the correct osteopathic treatment through tailored methods.

The human body and its abundance of connections, throughout the large variety of systems I.e musculoskeletal system, digestive system, nervous system, have always fascinated me. Osteopathy along with its holistic approach to treatment was therefore the ideal vocation for me.

Due to the diversity of osteopathy, I will always adapt my treatment methods to patients individual circumstances. I endeavour to understand the patients complaints and strive to treat them in a cause oriented way. Patient comfort, along with symptom relief, are my top priorities.

I offer my consultations in German, French and English and I am recognized by all supplementary insurances.